Clark University Family Weekend is a time of celebration for the students and their families, friends, and loved ones. Every year, there are many activities for families to attend together. This year, Clark made sure to go all out. As a student in their senior year who attends with their family every year, I wanted to cover why Family Weekend was a must go for Clarkie Families.
I thought it was important to tell all Clark had to offer this weekend. The Clark family weekend had many activities, including painting pumpkins, making pandas with bamboo trees, a clothing maker that created Clark themed designer, caricatures, fun family games, a red cougar megaphone filled with popcorn, a photo booth, family bingo and time with the mascot, Jonas the Cougar!
My personal highlights were the clothing designer and the caricature artist that my family and I enjoyed having a conversation with. The clothing designer is a Worcester resident named Qlynton, who runs the Waveznewage clothing brand and had the chance to work with Clark to give the community his designs. The designs were creative and showcased Clark to those who enjoy being fashionable. The caricature artist was the daughter of the artist from past years. She came to family weekend to carry the family tradition of making portraits for the families who came for the weekend. This is what makes this weekend so special is the thought and care Clark does to make memories for families no matter what year their student is in.
I thank Clark for always having high standards for events such as family weekend. It was a pleasure to go there once again to showcase the type of events and fun they create for me, my family, and many others. I recommend going to this event and many others for the best Clark experience.
This article was originally published in VOL. CIII, No. 1 of The Scarlet on November 22, 2024.